Mit High-Speed zum TISA-Vertragsabschluss?

30.09.2016 – von Stefan Giger

Gemäss Michael Punke, dem Botschafter der USA bei der WTO, sollen an der Verhandlungsrunde vom 5. und 6. Dezember 2016 in Genf die TISA-Verhandlungen abgeschlossen werden. Der Samichlaus steckt TISA wohl sonst in seinen Sack…

Selon Michael Punke, Ambassadeur des Etats-Unis auprès de l’OMC, les négociations TISA devraient être terminées lors du round du 5 et 6 décembre 2016 à Genève. Sinon St. Nicolas enlèvera les participants?

TEN WEEKS UNTIL A SERVICES TRADE DEAL?: The governments negotiating the Trade in Services Agreement are setting a Dec. 5-6 meeting in Geneva as the “finish line” for the negotiations, U.S. ambassador to the WTO Michael Punke told POLITICO. That leaves a mere 10 weeks to wrap things up, including a major disagreement between the U.S. and European Union on how to update the agreement in the future.

„There are some very difficult issues that still remain in TISA, but I think that there is a real sense among all of the participants that the mindset has shifted there in a positive way,“ Punke said, adding that negotiators are now in an „endgame mindset.“

The U.S. is pushing Brussels to offer any future concessions it makes in separate trade deals to the entire TISA group and extend non-discriminatory treatment to „new services“ developed in the future. Negotiators will return to Geneva for another formal round in mid-October, where the EU is expected to introduce a long-awaited e-commerce proposal outlining how it plans to address free data flows.